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Sworn Testimony and Official Documents Confirm Fluoride’s Health Risk

Sworn Testimony and Official Documents Confirm Fluoride’s Health Risk

RISK WARNING!! Fluoridated Water CAN Lower IQ

Photo of Brain Volume Loss Cincinnati Lead Study Participants

Certificate of Analysis Shows Arsenic and Lead in (HFS) that is Added to Dallas Tap Water

Under oath the EPA’s expert conceded that fluoride is a neurotoxicant and the CDC’s DIR was unable to cite studies showing fluoride is effective when swallowed.

Fluoride is the New Lead”

— Chris Neurath Science Director

DALLAS, TX, UNITED STATES, January 15, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Children’s Health Defense (CHD) produced and live streamed the documentary, “Fluoride on Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health,” on January 13, 2023, exposing the long history of government and industry suppression of scientific research revealing the toxic effects of fluoride, particularly on children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W27LmkZUkiY

According to Robert Kennedy’s team at the (CHD), “U.S. officialdom persists in making hollow claims that water fluoridation is safe and beneficial, choosing to ignore even its own research… Dozens of studies and reviews… have shown that fluoride is neurotoxic and lowers children’s IQ.”

On November 7, 2023, Dr. Bruce Lanphear addressed the Quality of Life, Arts and Culture Committee for 6 minutes with his fluoride presentation “Unnecessary, Unproven and Unsafe!”. Professor Bruce Lanphear MD ranks among the top 1% of most-cited scientists globally. He has served on committees for the CDC, EPA, and American Academy of Pediatrics. His studies led the World Health Organization, the EPA and CDC to conclude that “NO AMOUNT OF LEAD is safe for children”. Dr. Bruce Lanphear played a major role in the Cincinnati Lead Study (CLS) that took early childhood blood lead levels and followed these individuals for 30 years. Based on the early exposures, the study could predict juvenile delinquency and arrests. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8582283/ The image provided of “Brain Volume Loss for the Cincinnati Lead Study Participants” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2689675/ shows leads impact on the brain. Dr. Lanphear was available for any questions about any toxin concerning a child’s developing brain. But no questions were asked of Dr. Lanphear.

The January 9, 2024, EIN PRESSWIRE titled, “Summary of Committee Meeting on Community Water Fluoridation in Dallas and Upcoming Events” covers the 11/7/23 Committee Meeting, with a link to the Dallas Water Utilities Memorandum documenting the October and November 2023 Committee Meetings on Community Water Fluoridation. The memorandum is complete with Dr. Lanphere’s three studies concluding RISK from ingesting Fluoride. The Memorandum also has submitted responses from Dr. John Staniland MD and Dr. Griffin Cole DDS. They also gave testimony about the risks from ingesting fluoride. Their responses start on page 60 to the end of the document.

The intended purpose of the November 7 Quality of Life Committee Meeting was to get answers from experts “Opposing Fluoridation” as to why they have come to their conclusions. Chairman Adam Bazaldua, District 7 and CM Gay Willis, District 13 diverted the intended focus of the meeting and not one question was asked of the three doctors. Not one question about a child’s fragile, developing brain and the adverse health effects from ingesting fluoride.


The Dallas City Council has the authority to stop the Fluoridation Program. Raising the Fluoride in the Dallas tap water is potentially creating future educational problems and criminal activity by not protecting a child’s fragile, developing brain. “Fluoride is the New Lead” by Chris Neurath, Science Director, Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is replete with facts to substantiate this title. https://fluoridealert.org/articles/fluoride-is-the-new-lead/

The Federal TSCA trial starts January 31, 2024. Stuart Cooper, Executive Director, (FAN) states, “FAN’s attorneys now have boxes of documents and evidence, as well as dozens of hours of deposition footage with more than 10 different witnesses. These witnesses are pro-fluoridation dentists, researchers, representatives of federal agencies, and representatives of organizations that either regulate or promote fluoridation. Once a ruling is made by the court (the Federal TSCA Trial), this information will be available to the public regardless of the outcome.”

Concerned Dallas resident Regina Imburgia, and others have been speaking out about Community Water Fluoridation (CWF) during the Dallas City Council Open Mic for ten years. In this 2014 video Regina speaks to the council offering reasons to not purchase the Lead and Arsenic Laced HFS used to raise the fluoride level in Dallas tap water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWY_-jCuky0

In 2024 Regina says, “the council and the public need to understand there are confirmed health risks from ingesting Fluoride. Fluoridation Risk is being censored. The Council needs to be supplied with the facts so they can make the best policies for the people in Dallas and the 28 cities that buy Dallas Water. Eight Councilmembers can vote to Stop Fluoridation now”. Dallas Opposes Adding Toxic Waste (hydrofluorosilicic acid) to its Water Regina Imburgia Open Mic January 10, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nij7OQ1js1s

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CDC Oral Health Director: We Have No Safety Data on Fluoride and the Brain

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/681490527/sworn-testimony-and-official-documents-confirm-fluoride-s-health-risk

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